Being charged with a DWI offense in Fort Worth, Texas is extremely serious and must be dealt with a proper approach and experience and you should proceed with an abundance of caution. Whether you live in the county or you were traveling through the area and are from another city or out-of-state, you must vigorously defend the charges against you.
Collateral Consequences of a DWI / DUI Conviction in Fort Worth
Unfortunately, the collateral consequences of a conviction for a DWI can be extremely serious for your future. We have represented thousands of clients throughout the State and we can help you with your case, too. We know how the process works – you are arrested and you are scared to death and do not know what to do. More than likely, you have spoken to close family members and close friends and maybe even people you work with. You are presumably getting different advice from different people that you speak to. You may have even spoken to your family lawyer or have spoken to people who have had a DWI in the past.
Proceed With Caution on the Advice You Seek Concerning Your Case in Fort Worth
While it is fruitful to gather information, many times unless you are speaking with someone who handles DWI charges and related traffic offenses, you may be causing yourself more anxiety than is necessary and could potentially damage your case if you take certain actions. You may be scared, mad, angry at yourself, or frustrated with the process or with the police officer or officers that arrested you. Make no mistake about it, you have found hope by contacting us and allowing us to work on your case.
Hundreds of

Picture this – you have been confused, worried, distraught with no clear path or direction.

Cases Handled

Now entering into the picture and story of your life are the attorneys at James Budreau.

What seemed like an insurmountable obstacle in your life is now starting to turn into something you can tackle. You can do this. We can help.
Hope. Peace. A Plan. Action Steps. What You Need to Do to Win.
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It’s never a bad time to acknowledge the gratitude owed to a trusted mentor. So, here’s a shout-out to Stephen Handy, an exceptional attorney who I regularly consult with and one of the best DWI attorneys in Fort Worth.