James Budreau

Our Focus is on the People – We Can Be Your Fort Worth DUI Attorney
Our role in the process is not to simply handle driving under the influence charges and cases for our clients. You are more important than that and your life and your future are both equally as important.
If it Concerns You then it is OUR Problem to Help You Solve
We help clients through very difficult circumstances and scenarios in their lives. We don’t care how big or how small the problem may seem to you – we accept that burden and that responsibility – we welcome it.
We look at the entire picture of your life for several reasons. The first reason is we want to do everything within our power to help you through the current charges that you face in Fort Worth and prevent these things from happening to you again in the future. Our Number 1 goal is to prevent a conviction from appearing on your record.
Who We Are as Your DUI Law Firm
You are dealing with attorneys and staff that know exactly what you are going through because we have represented hundreds of people just like you. From the innocent citizen, occasional drinker, to the social drinker, to the beginning stage alcohol and on to the full-blown raging alcoholic – we have handled them all .
Zealous Advocates. Compassionate. Loving. Understanding. Experienced. Knowledgeable. Certified in Field Sobriety Tests. National College for DUI Defense Members. These are the things that separate us and that we are most proud of in our practice. You are not just a number, not just a face, not just a dollar bill – you are a human being that deserves to be treated as such and that is what we strive to achieve.